Think about people who you hold to be great leaders, to be inspirational and influential? What skills and attributes gives them that title in your mind?
Having spoken to fellow National Game Youth Council members it seems that the poll is divided between world leaders, 'celebrities', well known names right down to peers and colleagues. Research suggests Nelson Mandela, Ghandi and Mother Teresa are up there in the top ten people who are most commonly chosen as influential leaders.
It's understanding why these people are seen as leaders which makes this task so interesting. The way they stood up for what they believe in. The way they put the interest of others well above them-self. The way they handled a situation. The way they have influenced a chance. The way they...
It's not difficult to see why leaders are seen as influential and inspirational, most of which have had a setback in their life and overcome it. Take Walt Disney as a key example, someone who had knock back after knock back.. something you wouldn't know if you didn't look into it. Someone who has created characters which are relatable for near on every person in the world, all with their own personality, character and view points which I think is why we all love Disney in some way. [Before you ask, Goofy is my favourite.]
Although I 100% appreciate and understand the reasons behind having a 'Big Name' as someone in your top 5 influential leaders, I don't. For me, an influential and inspiring leader is someone who I have a personal/emotional connection with. Someone who makes me feel something. They haven''t had to overcome a set back, or change the world to be recognised.. they have just changed 'my world' with their attitude and behaviour.
Now linking a few dots, if we go back to my favourite Disney character, I can see that Goofy links to my chosen 5 because of who he is. The character who puts everyone and their agendas before his own, tries to make the most of all situations, looks for happiness in life and those matter most to him. In a recent book I have been reading, it firmly holds the ground, research supporting, that people are drawn to those similar to them. We are blind to a wider view due to our unconscious bias. I am drawn to Goofy because I can connect with him. My chosen 5 leaders are people who I can connect with on a personal level.
I do recognise the work of Nelson Mandela, Barack Obama and the like.. however, I struggle to connect with them. Their work, hasn't directly impacted on who I am and what I do.
As I defined leadership in the previous post, a leader is someone who has influenced me positively through small acts. People who make me 'feel felt' who are fully present in conversations and communications. People who give up their time for me and others. People who allow me to make my own mistakes and support the learning. People who ask the right questions, believe in others, and care about the development of others as much as their own. Just people.
A nice thought I read on twitter [font of all knowledge] around football coaches, is that if we try to replicate the Pep Guardiolas, Jose Mourinhos, Jurgen Klopps we will always be running behind. We don't have their thoughts, aren't at their point of life. By the time we reach where they are now, they will have moved on. If we focus on who we are, how we can be a better version of ourselves, develop those thoughts we can become a great leader ourselves.
Surround yourself with those who can allow you to do just that.
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