Thursday 31 December 2015

Who you are to who you want to be?

The person we are now, and the person we wish to become aren't two different people. Once we realise it is a choice, and ours at that, we can make those steps forwards. It's time to don our invisible capes and be our own hero. 

After doing my own thinking, I came to the below thoughts. On the left, the leader/person I am now or perceived to be. One the right, the visionary Sarah Nickless as a 'leader'. In the middle, and most importantly, what will that journey look like?

In brief, currently I stand on perpetrated foundations of values and beliefs, my focus isn't always on the right target, thoughts and reflections make up a lot of who I am- and at times those thoughts are not relevant, finally I believe I am heavily other person centred to the point at which that is a sole focus as opposed to putting myself first and being person centred second.

The visionary leader stands on solid foundations, tried and tested experience, solid values and beliefs which expand and shrink in needs of situations. The cape represents the knowledge of the ability to fly from conflict and unwanted situations, but also knowing how/when to fight. The visionary SN will still be person centred, but other people are detached from SN as opposed to internalised. 

That journey in the middle is one of developing and understanding processes. There are a lot of 'how' questions to be answered, what will these processes look like? How do I and will I respond to new and challenging situations? How do I distance myself from defaulting to putting others first all of the time? How and when to use the cape? 

Still being fresh to the real world, this journey is difficult with little previous experiences to fall back on. Confrontation and challenges seem minor compared to anything within working life, but that doesn't mean that aren't valuable learning experiences. 

Intriguing, but exciting challenge heading into 2016.


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