For me, leadership isn't something to aim towards. Something out of reach which we might obtain one day. Leadership is shown through small acts which influence another positively.
For now, I am happy with the above, but I am sure that notion won't stay the same for long.
This season is one of a new journey into leadership and my own leadership philosophy. A new level of individual understanding, and I guess, finding myself. That could imply the question, do you have to be lost in the first place to find yourself? No, of course not. For me, this is understanding the starting point and being willing to look backwards to understand the past in order to develop for the future.
A lot of my university papers around coaching, coaching philosophies and environments are helpful and provide a core understanding of the importance of understanding yourself as a coach and what you want to achieve before setting out for the sports field. The common knowledge that a philosophy is built up on values, beliefs and behaviours. The interesting quest is understanding why I have those values and beliefs, who put them there? Why did I, and do I adopt them? Research tells us that we resist, revise and accept the world around us, influential others -family, peers, friends, teachers etc have a real hold on influencing us and most of the time this happens without anyone noticing.. well, not until we stop and think about it. You could then say, that whatever I find across the course of the season, isn't really the 'Sarah Nickless Philosophy' but rather a shared philosophy stolen from others, which I have pulled together to be my own. Is that a bad thing? No. That is an understanding of the person who I want to be, acknowledgement of people and thing around me, and the ability to accept, revise, resist and develop thoughts, behaviours, values and, well, pretty much everything around me.
This journey and challenge is one I am already relishing. From my other blog [ ] I think it is relatively clear I enjoy deep thinking, questioning thoughts and trying to make sense of the world around me.
My starting point has been returning to a uni paper around developing a coaching environment, stripping everything back to individual value and beliefs.
Initial thoughts:
‘Investing time in understanding people and their agendas to
develop best approaches to reaching common goals.’
Underpinned by:
Understand the person first, role second.
Individual agendas, aims and individuals need to be taken into account.
Best approaches to reach an outcome, built around understanding the strengths
of a group, collaborating and being in ‘the zone.’ [KL]
If we don’t take the time to understand our team, we have no hope of them
investing in the team projects and aims.
Underpinned by values
& beliefs:
Other people first
Do what makes you happy
Respect others
Take the time to understand others and situations.
Politeness costs nothing.
Leadership isn’t something to aspire to have. Lollipop
moments look different to everyone; we need to know what they look like and how
to give them.
What is leadership?
Inspiration, integrity, understanding, footsteps, positive
influence, passionate, clear vision.
Taking opportunities to make situations better.
Where to look but not what to see.
Empowering, not over powering.
Through further thinking, pondering and questioning I have come to a different conclusion, or rather and adapted version of the above. It's been difficult to pull together the above plus additional thoughts together into a coherent statement which I think can be my 'Leadership Philosophy.' But for now, I happy with the line, 'Be a zoo keeper, always open the zoo.' Which to me represents many layers of thoughts, which will stay in my philosophy document for now.
I've already run into a number of challenges, and more so challenging thoughts. Ones I hadn't considered, and honestly struggle to understand. I know that everything I do is built around putting others first, honesty, respect... but I don't know how I live that? What do I do to adapt to situations? Is a good example. And I don't know the answer. I've spent a lot of time learning and reading about how people learn, think, how brains works to try and understand how other people react to the world around them and I think this has enabled me to put others first, because I consciously look to understand them and take pride in that effort. You could then ask, 'Sarah, why would you bother going to that effort?' And again, I'd say I don't know.. I'd like to hope I might be able to find out.
I'm interested to see where this all takes me, under pressure will I still be the same person? Who knows, until those situations arise I can only guess and prepare. Every opportunity to test this will be interesting and who knows, I might be wrong and end up like Randell from Monsters University and get it all wrong..
That's a risk I'm ready to take.
Leadership is most definitely the gaps between the notes, the walking in-between mountains, recognising the journey not the outcome.
I best go and tend to the Zoo.